About Us
The Society for Affective Science is a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering basic and applied research in the variety of fields that study affect broadly defined.
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Our Mission
The Society for Affective Science is a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering basic and applied research in the variety of fields that study affect broadly defined. To achieve this goal, we hold conferences annually to showcase research drawn internationally from psychology, medicine, neuroscience, computer science, law, economics, anthropology, linguistics, sociology, business, political science and other related fields. Particular attention is paid to creating contexts in which (a) scholars at all stages of professional development can interact in both formal and informal ways, (b) differences in theoretical perspectives and methodologies are welcome, and (c) interdisciplinary and international collaborations are fostered. The new journal, Affective Science, has been launched in service of these aims. Eventually, additional society activities are also expected to emerge, such as a list serve, local conferences, and collaborative web resources. Our guiding premise is that a shared interest in the wellsprings of human and non-human affective phenomena (including emotions, moods, and other motivated states) transcends traditional disciplinary differences in emphasis and focus, and that collaborations across disciplinary and national boundaries will accelerate scientific discoveries in a range of topics and fields.
Our Values
The Society for Affective Science is committed to promoting inclusion and diversity throughout its membership. We believe that these principles are essential to the Society’s overall mission of fostering interdisciplinary collaboration across multiple fields of research as well as different backgrounds and stages of professional development. We are dedicated to the following values:
- Maintaining a welcoming environment for all members of the Society.
- Leading and supporting initiatives that are dedicated to improving the representation of groups typically underrepresented in science.
- Promoting policies and practices within the Society that are consistent with these values.
Executive Leadership

2024 Program Committee
Program Chairs:
Erik Nook 2024 Program Co-Chair [website]
Sa-Kiera Hudson, 2024 Program Co-Chair [website]
Shir Atzil, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Elisa Baek, University of Southern California
Kyle Barrentine, University of Virginia
Casey Brown, Georgetown University
Lameese Eldesouky, The American University in Cairo
Jonas Everaert, Tilburg University
Katie Hoemann, KU Leuven
Daphnie Liu, Stony Brook University
Jennifer McCormack, University of Virginia
Yael Millgram, Harvard University
Ella Moeck, University of Melbourne
Magda Rychlowska, Queen’s University Belfast
Jenna Wells, Cornell University
Adrienne Wood, University of Virginia
Hongbo Yu, University of California, Santa Barbara
Co-Chair:Lameese Eldesouky, The American University in Cairo [email]
Co-Chair: Casey Brown, Georgetown University [email]
Awards Committee
Chair: Elaine Fox, The University of Adelaide
Past Chair: Barbara Fredrickson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Justin Kim, Sungkyunkwan University
Robert Levenson, University of California, Berkeley
Jeanne Tsai, Stanford University
Abigail Marsh, Georgetown University
Katie Hoemann, KU Leuven
Jennifer MacCormack, University of Virginia
Maya Tamir, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Membership/Outreach Committee
Co-Chair: Stephanie M. Carpenter, Arizona State University (email)
Co-Chair: Nicole A. Roberts, Arizona State University (email)
NOTE: all the subcommittees should appear under Membership Outreach
Newsletter Subcommittee
Lead: Katie Hoemann, KU Leuven
Angelina Sung, Colorado State University
Jennifer Ouyang, University of Southern California
Marissa Ogren, Rutgers University
Listserv Subcommittee
Lead: Jolie Wormwood, University of New Hampshire
Daisuke Ueno, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Jennifer Ouyang, University of Southern California
Year-Round Events Subcommittee
Lead: Darwin Guevarra, University of California, San Francisco
Anthony Atkinson, Durham University
Jolie Wormwood, University of New Hampshire
Website Review Subcommittee
Lead: Marissa Ogren, Rutgers University
Anthony Atkinson, Durham University
Daisuke Ueno, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Angelina Sung, Colorado State University
Social Media Subcommittee
Lead: Magdalena Rychlowska, Queens University Belfast
Steven Most, University of New South Wales, Sydney
Publications Committee
Chair: Yulia Chentsova-Dutton, Georgetown University [email]
Jonathan Gratch, University of Southern California
Rachael Jack, University of Glasgow
Sandra Langeslag, University of Missouri – St. Louis
Past Chair: Carien van Reekum, University of Reading
Diversion, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
Chair: Michelle (Lani) Shiota, Arizona State University
Derek Isaacowitz, Northeastern University
Joseph Mikels, DePaul University
Yuri Miyamoto, Hitotsubashi University
Jose Soto, Pennsylvania State University
Angela Smith, University of Toronto
Livia Sacchi, University of Lausanne
Leadership Archive
Founders: Lisa Feldman Barrett and James Gross
Past Presidents:
2014: James Gross, Stanford University
2015: Lisa Feldman Barrett, Northeastern University
2016: Wendy Berry Mendes, University of California, San Francisco
2017: Kevin Ochsner, Columbia University
2018: Ann Kring, University of California, Berkeley
2019: Robert Levenson, University of California, Berkeley
2020: Paula Niedenthal, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2021: Barbara Fredrickson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
2022: Elaine Fox, University of Oxford
2023: Maya Tamir, The Hebrew University

Contact Us
We’re ready to take your feedback! Click here to send us your questions or concerns for the SAS leadership team.

We’re looking for volunteers! Contact us and indicate which area you’d like to help out with.