Junior Specialist: UC Santa Barbara
POSITION OVERVIEW Salary range: The posted UC system-wide salary scales ( set the minimum pay determined by rank and step at appointment. See Table 24B...
Lab Manager/Research Assistant: University of Southern California
The Social Connection Lab (PI: Elisa Baek) and Social Learning & Choice Lab (PI: Leor Hackel) at USC are accepting applications for a full-time lab manager/research assistant to begin August, 2023. The Social Connection Lab ( studies social...
Postdoctoral Fellows: University of Wisconsin-Madison
Seeking Postdoctoral Fellows in Affective, Cognitive, & Aging Neuroscience The MIDUS Affective Neuroscience Project team led by Dr. Stacey M. Schaefer at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Institute on Aging is seeking a postdoctoral scholar to analyze and...
Sr. Technical Assistant: RESTORE Clinical Psychology Laboratory at the University of Houston
Job Description Organization H0125 Psychology Description Provides assistance and expertise in various areas of research such as preparation of results for presentation, monitoring test subjects, gathering and entering data, ensuring adherence to procedures, and basic...
Full-time Postdoctoral Fellow: Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Washington University, St. Louis
We are seeking a full-time postdoctoral fellow (2-3 years) to work on an NIH-funded project with Drs. Renee Thompson and Tammy English (MPIs) along with Todd Braver (Co-I) in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis. The...
Post-doctoral Positions: Laboratory of Social & Affective Neuroscience at Georgetown University
Post-doctoral positions in the Laboratory of Social & Affective Neuroscience at Georgetown University The Laboratory on Social and Affective Neuroscience in the Department of Psychology at Georgetown University in Washington, DC (PI: Abigail Marsh) is looking to...
Full-time Research Specialist Position: Princeton Social Neuroscience Lab
Full-time Research Specialist Position at the Princeton Social Neuroscience Lab The Princeton Social Neuroscience Lab seeks a full-time research specialist to begin Summer 2023. The lab uses functional neuroimaging, behavioral techniques, and machine learning to...

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